Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Evidence and Confession of Jessica Thompson-Clarke Dirty Works

Jessica Thompson-Clarke Confession

All the lies.... Jessica Thompson

Nation International Pageant System who only have 3500 followers send me a email explaining she knows who created the fake page! https://www.facebook.com/United-Nations-Pageant-Scam-360692207436488/

This is so sad...United Nation International Pageant System they are very insecure and jealous!
God is in control He will make sure the World will know the truth.

Elaine Roecklein United Nation International Pageant System even contacted me and warned me against Mr Williams but I am a business person and I investigated the United Nations Pageant and I noticed they have 313 000 followers that is when I realized jealousy is the course of all there lies. Every year United Nation International Pageant System contact all the delegates from.United Nations Pageant and repeat all the lies....https://www.facebook.com/UnitedNationInternationalPageant1/

They underestimate people's intelligence! United Nation International Pageant System dont even exist in.South Africa anymore since 2015 they are beginning to loose wherever they still exist.

Thank you all for your support.

United Nations Pageants : Wendi Russo Begged and Pledged for her Title Back ...

United Nations Pageants : Wendi Russo Begged and Pledged for her Title Back ...: Are you the Next Mrs United Nations? Dear Leon, I have now fully read your letter as I have been it work very hard for the la...

Monday, 7 August 2017

Wendi Russo Official Dethroned of Mrs United Nations 2016 since February 25th,2016

Dethroned Mrs United Nations 2016

Dethroned Wendi Russo as Mrs United Nations 2016

Dethroned Mrs United Nations 2016

Name: Mrs. Wendi Russo 

Address: Minneapolis USA 

Date: February, 26th,2017 

Dear Mrs. Wendi Russo Mrs. United Nations 2017, 

Further follow up to our conversation on Facebook on dated February 15, 2017, we discussed that CIA Management will be offering you a contract, in order for us to take the next step of managing your affairs. Base on your slanderous and defaming post on Facebook regarding the signing of this contract; we the Board of United Nations Pageants regretfully relinquish your title in the form of dethronement and appoint the 1st runner up to carry on your duties. Your termination will immediately be in effect as of February 24, 2017. 

As stated at our meeting the reason(s) for terminating your employment with us are as follows:
(1) Mrs. United Nations 2016 and United Nations Pageants and it the affiliated brand company has no legal obligation to you. We have no contract signed base on this action you have no right to hold this title. 

(2) Unprofessional conducts and other communication breakdowns between Mrs. United Nations 2017 and management. 

The First Breach Drama (1st strike): Started back from Jamaica Christian Boy's Home over the simple issue of paint brushes. According to your statement, you made a donation of $100 USD and claiming how much you paid. However, no brush or paint supplies were purchased based on Ms. Gearheart report to me. I personally spoke about this issue and never mentioned it to the judges about your outburst which placed the whole pageants group in a division.
Second Breach Drama (2nd strike): Started upon the removal of Mr. Teen United Nations in which Miss Teen United Nations choose to step down. We had a conversation regarding both persons and you personally went on to create public mischief by stating that I called the young lady a prostitute which was very unfortunate. I was informed by several persons about your slanderous and malicious lies and conversations which you screenshot/ edited to make me look bad. Ms. Ballog has since then apologized after discovering that you played her. 

Third Breach Drama (3rd Strike): We negotiated a management contract for you with CIA free of cost. We sent your draft in a CC email with CEO Forzan, who replied that all your fees have been waived before you post the inappropriate and degrading statement in which the CIA agency will be pursuing legal actions against. Instead of contacting me or Mr. Forzan for full details, you went on Facebook discussing the private content of contract without seeking clarification and also contacting other contestants about it. I really am reconsidering your reputation and professionalism. I received several emails from Voy Forum about your poor behavior and professional conduct as titleholder.
Originally, from October 15, 2016, I wanted to serve you a verbal warning; given your bad conduct which has affected your ability to move this pageant forward. I did not. I believed in second chances, but yet again you struck. 

We are warning you to desist from this type of uncontrollable behavior for your own self-preservation. You refused to follow and obey instructions based on these actions. Consequently, we have no other choice but to terminate your service from W.G.I Jamaica Limited or and any other affiliated companies with immediate effect. 

Therefore, we will no longer require your service to our organization. Additionally, based on your behavior we are looking into the matter of removing all branding from the website and social media as Mrs. United Nations 2016 because you failed to carry out simple instructions.I, Mr. Williams, have lost all confident and credibility in your reign and find it untenable for you to continue.

We also have pending breach for the past month where you should sign and submit your winner contract which you refused to sign and return. I am sure you are upset with someone but it should not be us, we did all in our power to communicate with you. Please give us a chance to help you.

This is my last resort to dethrone you but we must take business seriously. Please let us work it out, no need for us to fight. Let us work together to achieve your dreams and visions. 

This private letter of dethronement, if your wish for the world to know is up to you. I am also taking this opportunity to thank you for the past year and working with us. It was truly a great experience. I have such high regards for your coaching program.

Thank you for your past efforts and all the best in your future endeavors.

Leon Williams

President of United Nations Pageants LLC


Wendi Russo Begged and Pledged for her Title Back after Dethronement

Are you the Next Mrs United Nations?
Dear Leon, I have now fully read your letter as I have been it work very hard for the last 15 hours. It seems you have a lot of free time to write me long itemized descriptions of my transgressions.
In my interaction with Shauna, I merely screenshot it your comment that your pageant is not promoting prostitution. There is no way to alter what you wrote to me in a screenshot. Therefore the information was accurate as you wrote it to me. I felt that you do you throning anyone was out of line and overdramatic. It started creating questions in my mind about you as a director.
At the Pageant itself your behavior was erratic and Moody. I was afraid to have my daughter see you're mean behavior and I hoped you would not have a Little Miss division in the future because your personality is not conducive to having small children around you. The lack of food at your pageant was frightening. Thank goodness I brought protein bars with me and was able to purchase my own meals after our midnight practices.
Instead of making the pageant fun and positive, there was always a concern and looming that you were judging everybody there and going to influence the judges based on your own personal thoughts of each one of us. Very unprofessional.
Putting three contestants in a room was already too much but not providing meals throughout the day such as three meals a day was challenging.
I had hoped to see the Leon that I thought you were before the pageant. Warm, kind, generous, thinking of others, charitable, supportive, proud of his company and organization. But instead I saw a different side of you that scared me.
Throughout this year your interactions and postings on Facebook have not been uplifting and positive, but rather disparaging of people and their behavior and listing all of your previous dethroning's with the years for each one. It seems like bullying to me or threats to all of us to follow your rules.
I did not approve of you dethroning anybody from the beginning but is your pageant. It did scare away all of the other contestants that I had wanted to bring to your system.
I never posted the name of the company CIA on my Facebook page, therefore it is not slander. You should consult an attorney before you start saying people are slandering you. For you to prove slander in a court of law means you would have to prove that my comment on Facebook caused you loss of income. I did not mention you, your pageant, or CIA industries. Therefore slander was not committed. If you were educated you might know this.
I had asked you previously if you needed this contract, You told me at our very first meeting after me being crowned that whether we signed it or not we were bound by the contract and that we didn't need to handed in because it still was binding by accepting the crown and the position.
I have followed through on my commitments to make appearances, I have never posted our personal interactions on Facebook. I did forward the contract that you sent to the delegates two other title holders, asking them if they received it. Not everyone had received it apparently.
You say you were offering me the services for free, but according to all of the contract you sent to me it said all United Nations delegates will pay $1500 for the service. In the email it's stated that the photos would be free. Not that management would be free. Not only that but I am concerned about putting my name or image on a website that is clearly not a legitimate company.
My friend is a reporter and an investigative reporter and has already did the research to find out that that location and address is not a talent agent and that this is not a valid talent agency or management firm. I do not want to have my image used to attract business from other delegates in the US or around the world for this talent agency.
I did this pageant to make a difference Leon, to have fun, to create an international family, and to have a positive legacy to leave for the next title holder.
I am willing to continue forward with you and continue promoting your system as well as the positive good that I believe pageantry can truly be about. I hope you can put the drama and insecurities and power play behind you, because I can.
This pageant should be about service Leon and you should be promoting that – the rest is unnecessary. If you keep your post positive and you keep inspiring others and supporting your title holders, good things will come to you. I came to the system because I loved what Sherrie was doing and I love how you treated her.
It isn't good for your system to continue having strife with your title holders. Best to keep everything positive and lift them up- more delegates will follow and you will get referrals in the future.
Yours truly,
Wendi Russo
Mrs United Nations 2016/2017
Second Reply:
Hello Leon, it is taken me a while to get out of the proof that this company CIA is not in existence. I have had my lawyer and manager friends as well as a local reporter do the investigation for me. Would you like me to post it on Facebook so that everyone can see that you were accusing me of slander and yet this company does not exist as a talent agent nor are they certified to be able to deal in talent internationally or locally in the California area? I also have further proof that in that location that you state is their office, there is a skincare company that I have been in contact with who knows nothing about CIA. Therefore it seems to me that I am not slandering anybody. The truth is this organization does not exist in a legal form in the state of California or in the United States of America. I suggest you remove all post related to me unless you would like me to continue to summarily post my findings for all to see on social media and on YouTube. Your conduct has been nothing short of unprofessional since the very beginning of dethroning with everyone. The more you post about dethroning, the more you make your pageant look like a complete sham. I have been a good title holder in making appearances and following up on what I am supposed to be doing. You on the other hand have not followed up on your agreements such as prize packages of cash or trips two other countries or wardrobe which is also listed on your website. I suggest you stop your slandering and self righteous behavior before you lose more of your title holders and contestants. I have never seen anyone who is so bipolar in my life. God bless you and may he guide you in all of your ways away from wicked and evil.
Wendi Russo
Mrs United Nations 2016/2017
March 15, 2017
Subject:  Wendi Russo, Mrs. United Nations 2016
Dear Leon Williams and JM Forzan,
This communication regarding the Mrs. United Nations title is being sent to L.N. Williams President/ Founder W.G.I Jamaica Limited and JM Forzan Chairman of the board CIA Multinational Corporation from Mrs. Wendi Russo, Mrs. United Nations 2017 regarding communications received by the undersigned regarding the status of the Mrs. United Nations 2016/2017 title. The format of this communication will cover Mr. Williams three strikes from a previous communication.  I the undersigned will be carrying out the International duties of Mrs. United Nations 2017 until a new pageant is held and Mrs. United Nations 2017/2018 is selected at that pageant by a panel of qualified judges.
The First Breach, Drama (1st strike): Started back from Jamaica Christian Boy's Home over simple issue of paint brushes. In your statement “you make donation of $100 USD you claiming how much money your paid no brush or paint supplies was purchased based on Ms Gearheart report to me. I personally spoke about this issue and I never mention it to the judges about your outburst which put the whole pageants group in division.”
1st Strike Many delegates contributed money for the painting supplies for the Jamaica Christian Boy's Home - the paint was donated separately but the delegates donated over $650 dollars, yet when we got there we found a total of 9 paint brushes, 3 rollers, and 3 mixing pans. I did ask Ms Gearheart about the status of the total amount of funds we contributed and if that was all of the supplies that were purchased. Ms Gearheart didn't know how much had been donated. I wanted to make sure that the money went to the cause it was solicited for and not diverted to the pockets of people trying to keep the money. You solicited the contributions and then became upset with accounting for where the funds went. As you stated (1st strike) was when I asked and later during a private conversation when you still couldn't/wouldn't account for the contributions. Later on I was able to do some fundraising for the Jamaica Christian Boy's Home, which resulted in brand-new church clothes for each boy, new basketballs and soccer balls, and lots of candy and cookies for treats! I even set them repair kits for their bicycles.  I wanted to send it directly to them so I knew the boys would receive the items.
Second Breach Drama (2nd strikes): “Started regarding removal of Mr Teen United Nations in which Miss Teen United Nations chose to step down. We  had a conversation regarding both persons and you personally went on to create public mischief by stating that I called the young lady a prostitute which was very unfortunate. I was informed by several people about your shared and spreading such slanderous and malicious lies, conversation which you screen shot/ edited to make me look bad, Ms Ballog has since apologized after discovering that you all played her.”
2nd Strike. The screenshot was not edited. It was unfortunate that you classified your Teen UN titleholder (a teenage girl ) as a prostitute which you would not provide dating services for. This was prior to her removal. As a woman, as a mother, as a sister titleholder this was something so egregious, I did provide a raw and unedited image (also attached to this communication) . As for making you look bad, you have been doing an excellent job of it all by yourself. Any attempts to make you look bad by others would seem redundant and fall short of the hi bar you have set for your personal and professional self destruction. It is sad that your business and the innocents connected to it should suffer for your words and deeds.
Third Breach Drama (3rd Strikes): You said:  “We negotiated a management contract for you with CIA free of cost, we sent your draft in a CC email with CEO Forzan, who also replied to you that all fees has been waved for you before you post the slanderous statement in which CIA agency will be pursuing legal actions against. Instead of contacting me or Mr Forzan for full details, you went on Facebook discussing the content of contract without seeking clarification and also contacting other contestants about it. I really thinking about your reputation and professionalism. I received several email from Voy Forum about your behavior and professional conduct as titleholder.”
3rd Strike The generic statement on FB that you referred to where I do not name any company at all, is a warning to any young person wanting to get into the entertainment business. I have been a staple in the entertainment industry for over 25 years and every year because of my position and notoriety in the entertainment industry I am deluged with requests for advice from woman  of all ages about offers from agents, photographers, modeling and talent agencies etc. The generic statement that you referred to is to educate others that no fees should ever be paid for representation of any kind according to US Law.  My training and experience in the entertainment industry is as follows:
“While in New York, Wendi still had the acting bug and applied for enrollment at Lee Strasberg Theater in New York City.Wendi honed her craft with Meisner training from the William Esper Studios in NYC, Actors Movement and voice & speech with Shane Ann Younts. After 5 years of training, including Soap Opera & Commercial Acting classes, Wendi booked commercials, independent film work, Industrials and Infomercials as well as many print modeling jobs for Delta Dental, Power Ball- Millionairess, Radisson Hotels, IBM, Mercedes, Shape Magazine & Burlington Coat Factory.
  Following Casting Director recommendations, Wendi moved to LA where she booked co-star, guest star & leading role work on TV, including "Pacific Blue", "America's Most Wanted" "Malibu, CA", "Working", and a Leading role in the experimental film "Decay of Fiction" which received excellent reviews by the NY Times & the Berlin Film Festival, MTV's "Spring Break Lawyer", "Smoke and Mirrors" and "Cloud 2000." With an interest in hosting, Wendi received her certification at UCLA's prestigious Broadcast Journalism program and shortly thereafter began hosting, and created a pilot presentation of "Inside LA", where she reported on the hottest fashion stores, restaurants and clubs giving the "Inside Scoop" on where to shop in LA. She also began writing "A Shopaholics Guide to LA", giving tips for specialty items and where to find hidden out-of-the-way boutiques that usually only a select few would know about. It was at that time that she received a call from her agent that Shop NBC was interested in having her audition to be a host on their Home Shopping channel .  Wendi was flown to Minnesota for her audition and began her career June of 2004.
Since then Wendi Russo has been an engaging hostess on Shop NBC Home Shopping Channel for 13 years and specializes in presenting fashion, beauty products, jewelry and gemstones and can be seen in 70 million homes nationwide via Comcast, Dish Network, Direct TV and www.shopnbc.com as live streaming video. Her twitter account alone has over 25,000 subscribers.”
You never had a right to negotiate an entertainment management contract for me whatsoever. I have an agent and I also have a recent contract negotiated with my current company EVINE (formerly Shop NBC). Signing a 10 year agreement with an agency would grant them a percentage of my annual income to which they had no part in negotiating and further should their contract violate my current contract, I would lose all I have worked for over the years. I have also been instrumental in starting the careers of new hosts and models by training and mentoring them at no charge and then helped them get agents and employment in the industry through my contacts. As you can see legally there is no way I could have signed the contract in question with or without fees.
Addressing other points in the LN Williams communication.
1) “Further follow up to our conversation on Facebook on dated February 15,2017, we discussed that CIA Management will be offering you a contract, in order for us to take the next step of managing your affairs. Base on your slanderous and defaming post on Facebook regarding signing of this contract. We Board of United Nations Pageants regretfully relinquish your title in the form of dethronement and appoint the 1st runner up carry on your duties and your termination will effect from February 24, 2017 with immediate effect.”
 This was covered in strike 3, however in this paragraph Mr. LN Williams relinquishes the rights to the title Mrs. United Nations 2017 and then mentions a dethronement and appointment of someone else to carry my duties to a title that he has relinquished on behalf of his organization. The next item in the sentence states that the addressee is terminated with effect from something  which is not stated and then adds ‘with immediate effect’. This is not only confusing but quite frankly flies in the face of juris prudence with regard to due process. 
2) As stated at our meeting the reason(s) for terminating your employment with us are as follows: Mrs United Nations 2016 and United Nations Pageants and it affiliated brand company has no legal obligation with you. We have no contract signed base on this action you have no right to hold this title.
The day after the crowning I had asked about the contract while at breakfast with all of the newly crowned title holders and Mr. LN Williams stated that since we had accepted the crowns and titles, signing the written contract was not necessary as accepting the crowns, sashes, and titles in itself was also accepting the terms on the W.G.I Jamaica Limited contract for the pageant winners.  He did not have contracts with him and emailed them out much later. If Mr. LN Williams is referring to JM Forzan's CIA Multinational Corporation Contract which did not exist at the time of my winning the pageant - then may I add that refusing to sign that talent management contract is my prerogative. I interpret this as Mr LN Williams not wanting to pay transportation expenses for me to travel to the pageant to give up my title and crown my successor. I am sure the other title holders will be bullied in the same manner so that WGI Limited will not have to pay out any money as they have not paid out previous title holders airline fees to return to the pageant.
3) Regarding:  Unprofessional conducts and other communication break down between Mrs United Nations 2017: and management.
No unprofessional conduct on my part has specifically been referenced by Mr. LN Williams however the unprofessional conduct of Mr. LN Williams as an agent of W.G.I Jamaica Limited is only partially listed here. As for communication breakdowns between myself and Mr. LN Williams , I would not condone capricious, arbitrary, and illegitimate/illegal actions by anyone. As for communication breakdowns by Mr. LN Williams, his whole missive was a communication breakdown with himself. Just look at the next 2 points:
4) Then you say “From October 15, 2016, I wanted to serve you a verbal warning, given your conduct which has affected your ability to move the pageant forward. I believing in second chances, but yet again you strike.”
Does this make sense? Somebody wanted to serve a verbal warning for something or somethings not mentioned (wanting to do something and doing something are two different things). Again this flies in the face of juris prudence with regard to due process.  
5) You say: “We are warning you to desist from this type of behavior for your self destruct reason, you refuse to follow and obey instructions base on this action. We will be forced to terminate your service from W.G.I Jamaica Limited or any other affiliated companies with immediate effect.”
Again the behavior to desist is not listed. There is no cease portion of any type. The self destruct person was the instigator of the communication. What instructions are to be followed and obeyed?  Where does any contract state that Mr. LN Williams has the legal right or authorization to order anyone to do something illegal? To become a part of a conspiracy to harm someone's good name and reputation, or commit an act of self destruction.?  Mr. LN Williams himself admits there is no contract with either W.G.I Jamaica Limited or CIA Multinational corporation with my signature on it. The former his choice the latter by my choice. Now it gets confusing again since Mr. LN Williams states that “W.G.I Jamaica Limited will be forced to terminate your service from W.G.I Jamaica Limited or any other affiliated companies with immediate effect.” This means that the previous part about dethronement is null and void but they will be forced to terminate your service from W.G.I Jamaica Limited or any other affiliated companies with immediate effect.  You probably should have hired a lawyer to actually submit a legal document that actually makes sense in proper English.
6) You say :”We will no longer required your service to our organization. Base on your behavior we are also looking into the matter of removing all branding from website and social media as Mrs United Nations 2016 because you fail to carry out simple instructions. I, Mr Williams has lost all confident and credibility in your reign and find it untenable for you to continued.”
It may be the best idea to remove all of my branding at this point and of my daughters from your fb pages since all branding and photos gives assumption that I am your current queen and that we are in good standing with you.  It also leads people to contact me about your pageant.
7) You say:” We also have pending breach for the past month where you should sign and submit your winner contract which you refuse to sign and returned. “
The day after the crowning I asked about a contract to sign and as stated before you said it was not necessary, since accepting the crown meant accepting the terms of the contract (which I did not have an opportunity to read). The only other contract is the CIA Multinational Corporation Contract which was not a part of the pageant process.
8) You say “I am sure you are upset with someone but it should not be us, we did all in our powers to communicate with you, please give us chance to help you, it is my last resort to dethrone you but we must take business serious. Please let us work it out no need for us to fight. Let us work together to achieve your dreams and vision.  This private letter of dethronement, if your wish for the world to know you know what to do. I am taking this opportunity to thank you past year working with us. it was indeed truly great experiences. I have such high regards for your coaching program.”
When you stated "This private letter of dethronement, if your wish for the world to know you know what to do.".  I take it this is a threat of libel or slander. If so, it would become a long, prorated, and all encompassing legal and very public war. Secondly this was a closing paragraph but you addressed it to "Dear Mrs Wendi Russo Mrs United Nations 2017," therefore you admit that I am the currrent and reigning Mrs. United Nations 2017.
The following are some observations and comments based on my dealings with Mr. LN Williams and W.G.I Jamaica Limited.
During the pageant your emcee Sherrie Gearhart at your bid,  announced the following as prizes won (by me). $5000 in cash, travel allowance along with airline mileage to be an Ambassador to Ecuador, 3 International trips including Liberia, Nigeria, and all expenses paid trip to the Singapore United Nations Pageants in June. None of those prize were forthcoming. I spoke to the Singapore director and she reported that you lied to her when you said I could not attend her pageant and offered to send another in my place from Asia (TANVI)_which would cost less for transportation because you told Tanvi transportation was not included.
To terminate a titleholder, the person would have to violate a written contract which specifies their duties, obligations, expectations, of course your duties, obligations, and expectations. No Contract, equals no grounds for termination.  
I will remain Mrs. United Nations 2016/2017 until the delegates and judges award the 2017/2018 title in July. I am willing to put all of this behind us.
Wendi Russo
 Mrs United Nations 2016/2017
Dear Leon,
According to your contract, which I agreed to upon receiving the crown from day one, I have not breached anything on the contract including your statement about slander. Because I did not list your organization as being the perpetrator of the offense nor did I mention the modeling agency name who I felt was fraudulent, I was not committing an act of slander. I would like to be reinstated to my page as the current Mrs. United Nations.
Wendi Russo
Mrs United Nations 2016
Pageant Reply:
Dear Mrs Russo,

Thank you very much for interest in our pageants.

It was brought to my knowledge that you are contacting my incoming contestants. I am warning to desist you not going to win this battle.

Next one contact me, I will make public that Mrs Wendi Russo former Mrs United Nations 2016 I will issue press release stating you are dethroned and not authorized to carry any duties on our behalf.

Take my advice Mrs Russo I have nothing to lose in this venture. Please desist for your career, legacy and your daughter stake.


L.N. Williams President/ Founder
W.G.I Jamaica Limited/ United Nations Pageants
Leon,  According to your previous email you wanted to speak to me and work things out but then I didn't hear from you.  We can either continue the battle or we can work together as a team and speak.  You have my number or you can continue emailing back and forth and get nowhere.  I suggest we put the petty and immature emails behind us and have a real conversation about our concerns.  We both have things we are upset about and hurt about.  It's time to communicate and be mature adults.  Are you ready to move forward?   My cell number is below.  (it's C)


P: 952-943-xxxx  C: 612-730-xxxx

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Warning Alerts: Jessica Thompson-Clarke and Elaine Roceklein Lies Exposes

Lies of Elaine Roceklein and Jessica Thompson-Clarke of Biggest Failing Running Scam Pageants for 21 years ( 3 Person as charge and still before the court for missing parties)
United Nation International Pageant System created a fake page to slander my pageant and my name, the accused me of murder but the truth is, its a lie, apparently it happened in 2013 and its now 2017 and I am still a free man, never even been involved giving any statement, shows you how desperate Elaine Roecklein and Jessica Thompson of United Nation International Pageant System Scam to fool you all

United Nation International Pageant System Jessica and Elaine approached so many of our pageants delegates, they tried to bribe them with promises to win titles..... but the delegates compared my pageant to theirs and therefore my pageant have 313,000 followers after 3 years and United Nation International Pageant System only have 3500 followers 21 years. www.facebook.com/unitednationinternationalpageant

Jessica Thompson-Clarke

Elaine Roceklein


UTech graduate and St Andrew businessman abducted in 2013, declared dead

Twenty-seven-year-old businessman, Curtis Martin (left), and 25-year-old university graduate, Mario Daley, were abducted at gunpoint on October 21, 2013 from their Kirkland Heights house
The police have declared as dead the former University of Technology student and a St Andrew businessman who went missing in 2013.
Detective Inspector, Marvin Brooks, says charges against the three people held in the case will be upgraded to murder when they appear in court on September 30.
He told The Gleaner/Power 106 News Centre that the Director of Public Prosecutions has ruled that the police can pursue a murder case based on certain evidence collected.
He declined to disclose the kind of evidence.
Twenty-seven-year-old businessman, Curtis Martin, and 25-year-old university graduate, Mario Daley, were abducted at gunpoint on October 21, 2013 from their Kirkland Heights house.
They have not been seen or heard from since.
READ: Give me my son - Mom appeals for abductors to release Kirkland Heights men
Three weeks after the abduction, Dionne Mitchell, Damion Lawrence and Evon Simmonds were arrested on gun related and abduction charges in relation to the disappearance of the men.
The police had confirmed that a Jamaican businessman residing in the US, offered $300,000 for the men’s abduction.
Investigators had also theorised that the men may have been taken away to be murdered as part of a vendetta.
