Wednesday 18 May 2016

Miss Liberia United Nations 2016 Mollyn Jarbo

Name: Mollyn Duwelee Jarbo
Age: 26 yrs
Height: 164 cm
Occupation: CEO of “Rise For Africa”/ Student
Hobbies: My hobbies are Working Out, Doing Community Service, Running, Shopping, Reading, Doing Research to Self Educate Myself, Putting on Comedy act for my family and friends.
Why do you want to enter? Being a proud product of The Republic of Liberia, I want the world to know that following 14 plus years on Civil unrest, and the onset of the tragic Ebola epidemic that took so many lives, Liberia is still a vibrant, resurgent nation capable of producing incredible beauty and talent.
By raising my nation’s flag on the world stage, I’m giving hope to the youth of Liberia and telling them “your disadvantages in life does not define you, but rather you are defined by how hard you work to overcome them.” I have a passion for finding solutions to change the lives of others. I believe Miss United Nations should possess this basic quality of humanity which I treasure.
My platform is Self-Empowerment, focusing on rehabilitating the youth by teaching them the importance of being Educated, Motivated and having an unrelenting Confidence, which I believe are the keys to success. By utilizing my Non Governmental Organization “Rise For Africa Inc.,” I am able to provide aid to the abused and underprivileged children of Liberia.
However, as we provide this aid, we also provide them self sustaining means and skills necessary to take care of themselves. As my favorite quote states,  “Give a Man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.” It’s important for me to not only spend my time, money and energy helping the youth, but also teaching them how to assist themselves by using their natural gifts and talent.

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