Wednesday 18 May 2016

Mrs India United Nations 2016 Dr Preeti Panwar Solanki

Name: Dr. Preeti Panwar Solanki
Age: 39 yrs
Height:  163 cm
Occupation: Trainer,Entrepreneur, MrsIndia-MrsTalented 2016, Adiva
Hobbies: Looking for Innovative activities, blogging, being creative
Why do you want to enter? Mrs United Nations is the woman of positive power and a woman of meaning. To be branded Mrs United Nations one of the greatest compliments a woman can own.I want to participate, to give a strong message to every woman that Embrace your individuality and be happy the way you are because being different and imperfect is far more interesting than being a “perfect” person Use your voice, when it comes to standing up for what you believe in or voicing your opinions. Find your dream in life and pursue it, Follow your heart, never give up, give a meaning in your life and gives you a purpose in the world, it generates happiness. And Live up to your morals and values. And be the face and brand for your country